Sale!40,000 BTU 20 Gauge Steel construction 3-12 inch burners Choose 5 or 12 ft hose and regulator Requires 3 inch venting available on Fish House / Deer Stand Accessories Page
Sale!300 lb pull strength Useful for retrieving lost items Also used for magnet fishing
DC Cord adapter with Positive and negative leads and fittings. The adapter has a 24 inch lead, so if you are installing an outlet for the Lindell Auto Jigger, you must work with that distance. (Or, call 763-291-8888 to order an adapter made custom to your required length for an additional $1 per foot of additional wire.)
Sale!Propane and 12 volt powered 20,000 BTU Force Air Gas Furnace Includes thermostat
Sale!Rattle Wheel Wall Mount
Sale!Trophy Angler 12" Round Tip-Up Case
Sale!26" by 68" or 32" by 68". Single Doors usually in stock. Single can ship, choose shipping when ordering. Because of oversize item, shipping is not free on the Single Doors. Also available 52" x 68" and 64" x 72" Fiberglass door with door hardware Choose 26" or 32" (in stock) or double doors 52" x 68 " or 64" x 72" (call to check availability) Store pickup only, item too large to ship. Single doors usually in stock. Order double door on website; we will call when ready for pick up. Call 763-291-8888 with questions.